Mercedes 230 SL 1967



Mercedes 230 SL 1967

Filming an old car like the 1967 Mercedes 230SL through the older parts of Athens was a real treat. The car itself was a beauty to behold, with its sleek design and vintage features. We were excited to take it out for a spin and capture some stunning shots of it in action. As we drove through the city's winding roads, we searched for a spot where we could capture the city's skyline and some tree lines. We wanted to showcase not only the car but also the beautiful surroundings of Athens. After driving around for a while, we finally found a perfect location with stunning views of the city. We drove along the same roads twice, taking rolling shots and videos along the way. We wanted to capture the car's movement and the city's vibrant atmosphere. It was a bit challenging to get the right shots, but we managed to get some great footage.

We also found some great locations to take close-up shots of the car. The lighting conditions were perfect for high-key photos, and the car looked even more stunning up close. We took our time to capture the car's every angle, making sure to get the best shots possible. At the highest point of the road, we took close-up shots for the video, capturing the golden hour footage. The light was perfect, and we were able to get some stunning shots of the car against the beautiful sky. It was a magical moment, and we were thrilled with the footage we captured. At the end of the day, the client took me on a ride in the car to record some sound for the video. It was an incredible feeling, to sit in such a beautiful car. The sound of the engine was music to my ears, and I knew it would make for a great addition to the video. In the end, it was one of my favourite cars to film. The 1967 Mercedes 230SL was a true beauty, and capturing its essence on camera was a real joy. We were thrilled with the footage we captured, and we knew that our client would be delighted with the final product. Overall, it was an exciting project to work on, and I was thrilled to be able to provide the client with high-quality videos and photos that exceeded their expectations.

Project Info




Athens, Greece


Concept Development, Filming, Editing, Grading, Sound Design


29 Feb 2024


Petros Nomikos


Director of Photography, Camera and Gimbal Operator, Editor, Colourist, Sound Designer